What is ECDL
ECDL is the internationally recognised standard in ICT skills and is relevant to anyone who wishes to become competent in the use of a computer and common applications. To date over 15,000,000 people have engaged with the ECDL programme in more than 100 countries.
ECDL is regulated and administered by the non-profit organisation ECDL Foundation, and is recognised by governments, public and private organisations and universities across the world.
The ECDL programme defines the skills and competencies necessary to use a computer and common computer applications. It offers a wide range of modules including Computer Essentials, Word Processing and IT Security. Candidates take tests in the modules which are most relevant to their educational and professional requirements, thereby creating their ECDL Profile. Whether in school, university or in the workplace, ECDL offers the skills you need to succeed.
Create your ECDL Profile today by joining other ECDL candidates from around the world in certifying your computer skills to the international standard.
Build your own ECDL Profile
In recognition that everyone uses technology for different reasons, ECDL Profile was created to flexibly select the module combinations best suited to each candidate or company. Furthermore, an ECDL Profile is for life, it never expires, it represents a different level of digital proficiency, and proof of the skill level that you have.
Three ECDL Profiles are recommended: